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Positive Intelligence® & Mental Fitness Foundations program

positive intelligence


Answers to common questions about Mental Fitness & Positive Intelligence® (PQ®)
If you have additional questions or ideas not covered here, let me know.

You can also check out the Positive Intelligence website

  • Who is this program for?
    This program can be for anyone who is mentoring, supporting or is the parent or relative of a younger adult. Of note: Many parents of adults are also in the sandwich chapter - there maybe three layers: Your kids are on their way in the world (or will be); in some cases your own parent(s) can need more of your support; and you maybe creating your own next chapter. Your Mental Fitness and Positive Intelligence helps with all of this.
  • Why this program?
    Being a parent can be one of the most heart-warming and amazing roles of our lives. And the angst of a parent can be one of the hardest stressors of all. It tugs at our emotions. We can be on cloud nine with and for our kids. And we can feel in agony for them. It can be debilitating in the level of worry and helplessness we may feel. We have ourselves a lot going on. Hopefully lots of positive. Like our kids, we can at times be overwhelmed with work, life, transitions, changes, uncertainty. Parenting is an important part of this—so close to our hearts. I see us older adults striving to navigate and help support younger persons in our lives where we sense them struggling. We have so much wisdom to offer, we remember what it was like and want to pass on what we learned, we feel like we can help, we want to remove at least some of their suffering, to make things easier or better if we can, if they let us. And we can often feel helpless. Even though, deep down, we know they need to figure it out for themselves and that our help may not be help in the way we think it is. This causes us angst, which produces stress and can make it hard to even get to that wisdom we want to give. Under stress, we might react too quickly or find it hard figure out what, when, and how to say things. So, we deliver our helpful thoughts and advice badly, or it’s received the wrong way, or our kids pick up on our stress and react, or we keep our mouths shut afraid of that reaction when inside we are dying to say something that could help. So, our kids may not want our help as much as we want to give it to them. They may see it as controlling or evidence we don’t have faith in them or that we think they’re “not enough” in some way. This causes angst in them, and in our relationship with them. It impacts our stress levels, our wellbeing, other relationships, and affects our ability to perform in our own lives. OK – here’s the Why of this Program: It will help with angst. You will learn to be aware of yourself: how your mind can be your worst enemy – and how to mitigate that. You will learn how to gain command of yourself, your mind, your stress and to access greater calm, clear, laser headed thinking and action. You will gain and learn to sustain new habits of what we call mental fitness, which can be life changing. And all this can rub off on your kids as you model this and there’s less angst coming from you. This program involves a realistic time commitment. It’s designed to fit in with ease and flow, no matter how full your life is. Your commitment to do something about this—this program—can be life changing – as a person and for your relationships, especially with those closest to you. The most frequent feedback from program graduates is, “I wish I’d done this sooner.”
  • What do you mean by Parents of Adult Children who are struggling?
    Struggling could mean many things. It can be normal for parents struggle with their evolving role and how best to be there for their kids. And it can be one of the hardest struggles for any parent. For their adult kids, here are a few example scenarios. They may seem to be: Feeling overwhelmed [by the world, by getting established in the world, in trying to become more independent] Stuck [not sure where to go next, what to do next, what they really even want] Avoiding, procrastinating [it feels too hard, too much, so distractions seem to provide a relief but just put things off and add angst] Burning out [trying to do too many things, be all things to all people, prove themselves, gain some sort of security] Feeling hopeless [what can I do, I’m not good enough, how can I even start?] Every person and their context is different. These are just a few thoughts on what struggle could mean.
  • What do you mean by adults, when you refer to our kids?
    Generally, this could be those over 18 years old, or having completed High School, on up to any age (they are still your children, you will always be their parents).
  • I am a relative (such as a grandparent, aunt/uncle, sibling) or close family friend and wonder if I could attend this program?
    Absolutely! Essentially anyone who is feeling suffering and helplessness in how they feel about a younger adult they care for. In some cases, you may see a friend who is a parent or relative in this scenario and you feel helpless to help them with this. In those instances, it can be helpful to buddy up in the program. Keep in mind, whoever joins in must be in choice, open-minded and intent in their commitment.
  • Why is this program for parents and not for their adult children?
    Because ultimately, we cannot get onto the rollercoaster of their lives. Although we can be present, we can be there for them, watching from the ground, spending a little time with them when they hop off the ride for a bit. But we cannot drive the carriage or smooth the bumps or magically change how they feel, believe, act. It’s frustrating – many of us are leaders, doing pretty well in our lives. We can help on projects, help our teams, our clients, our friends. But when it comes to our children? In essence, we can only look after ourselves and manage our own role. Intellectually we may know this. Easier known than done, though. What I see is that many of us are not managing this very well in among everything else in our lives, in the world. We’re struggling, too. And part of our struggle is of our hearts and the stress we feel on our kid’s behalf, and because we feel helpless. We’re in our own angst. And that is not the best place to be for our own wellbeing, let alone our capacity to support our kids in ways that they are open to when they are ready. So this program is about what you can do. I believe you will come to experience yourself, others and situations differently. You will learn to think differently, manage your mind. Think about what that can open up. This is specifically for you. Maybe you and your partner. You and some of your friends or peers in the same boat, as we do this in small groups.
  • Why do you do this program in groups and not one-on-one?
    There is power in collective support and diversity. Also, studies show when we team up in a shared training like this, we are 500% more likely to succeed. On occasion, I do this program one-on-one on a case-by-case basis, so we can talk about it.
  • What if I feel hesitant to be in a group of strangers?
    That can be normal. At the start, your coach will facilitate an agreement of confidentiality plus rules of engagement that you decide together, such as mutual respect, active listening, no judgment and what goes on in the “room” stays in the room. Consider the advantages of being with a group of people who are experiencing similar (not identical) challenges. Sometimes being with others, even strangers who don’t know you, can actually feel refreshing, liberating. It's good to know you are not alone, even though specific scenarios are varied. You will benefit from mutual support and learning from each other. Diversity of people, experiences and wisdom in the room bring powerful insights.
  • Can I sign up with people I know (a friend or two, or my partner)? And do they have to be parents or mentors of younger adults?
    The approach we take for, whether parents or mentors, is gathering a waitlist. As soon as we have 3+ people we work on scheduling your group. Maybe you sign up with your partner and some friends. All of whom are parents or mentors of young adults and so able to relate and add diversity within the topic. Note: I offer general programs where people do not have to be parents or mentors. Every human benefits from this program, and can benefit each other in the group. Some parents may elect to take part in a general group. Both approaches can be very impactful. To attend a free introductory webinar, register here. To sign up for the program or join a waitlist, visit the schedule and registration page.
  • What do you mean by young adults?
    Perhaps, younger adults is more fitting. Statistically, young adults (late teens and 20s) struggle or have more challenges, as they find their way in the world. And our kids can have areas we hope to help with at any age – in their teens, 20s 30s, 40s, 50s… This training and building your own mental fitness muscles can be sustained and enhanced over time, so will support you as your children grow through all stages. You are parents, they will always be younger than you.
  • What if my kids want to do this program with me?
    It really depends on the family dynamic. A mixed group can hinder how people feel comfortable participating. Having different groups for parents, and adult "kids" in their own group can facilitate a synergy between humans in like situations and stages. It will depend on different factors we can talk about. There could be a scenario where two distinct groups run separately, in parallel. This way, their group sessions are with peers, and the family can talk about it over coffee or the dinner table in a more casual setting. Please know, you will not be in a group with other people’s kids unless you are part of that conversation.
  • I’ve done the program with you. Could my kids do the same program on their own?
    Absolutely. Among the most common feedback I hear is, I wish I’d had mental fitness training when I was younger! Small groups of like “ages” can really learn and support each other. Often, they are more comfortable in a group with their peers. Keep in mind, you cannot convince them to do this. They may get interested simply by seeing the changes in you, how this has helped you. It will all depend on them and what they want. Maybe they do the saboteur assessment and get curious. They can sign up—maybe with a few friends—for a free intro webinar to get an overview of PQ and mental fitness. And you can put them in touch with me and they can navigate this for themselves. If you provide some support, it may be in supplementing the cost. I do recommend they pay for at least part of the program if they can—it helps for them to have skin in the game and shows they’re serious about this learning. It may help for you to reach out and I’m happy to answer any questions.
  • How often does the PQ foundations program run?
    For parents, specifically, I keep waitlists and will schedule dates based on demand. There are two ways to get on the waitlist: Connect here. Add your name to the waitlist here. A minimum of two persons, and up to five or 6, are needed for a program to run. You can also opt to join a general group learning "pod" rather than wait.
  • Do you offer scholarships for this program?
    Yes, we offer a limited number of scholarships. You may apply here and we request applications be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the program start date (exceptions may be considered).
  • Can I do this program more than once?
    Yes, people have benefited from doing the program again as a refresher or to get back on their Mental Fitness routines. Some do it with a friend, so it becomes both a refresher and a mutual support. I have done the foundations program twice, plus, I get to go through it with you.
  • What if there seems severe risk at stake, like depression, anxiety, addictions and related fears?
    Although this program can feel therapeutic, and it can complement therapy or counselling, this is not meant to be therapy for you or to help you provide therapy for your kids. If you feel there are mental health challenges, please start by consulting with a therapist for yourself or see if your young adult is willing to explore this option. If you are not sure, please contact me for a confidential conversation. PQ® PROGRAM CONTENT AND MATERIAL DO NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE AND ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL CARE, DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT OF ANY MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH CONDITION.
  • How is this program specifically for parents?
    It is primarily in the group of you taking the program together and how you each apply your training in the context of your parenting role. With similar contexts and diverse individuals, there is a learning synergy that happens in your weekly group sessions with the coach, and in how you support each other. The whole of you is greater than the sum of each of you.
  • What are your final words on this program?
    If you have read this far, I sense how serious, caring, and ready you are about helping yourself and helping your kids. So, I would like to give you two food-for thought questions What if everything is as it is meant to be right now? What if I simply listened when my kid is willing to talk? With no questions, no advice. Simply acknowledgement like: That sounds hard. That sounds exciting. Thanks for sharing that. It is very hard for people to listen to another human being; it makes them feel helpless. And they don’t realize that listening is a very powerful strategy to help.
  • What happens after the program, to help sustain and build on my Mental Fitness strength?
    Much like physical fitness, mental fitness is a way of life. It is important to maintain and tone our muscles. So, this is an excellent question. The PQ program is designed to help you build and sustain mental fitness as a way of life. We'll get into this during the program and it will become much clearer. At this point, I recommend you focus only on the PQ Foundations program. Life will unfold on what works for you next. That said, please know there are components that you can continue to grow and maintain with. I am a champion and advocate of PQ in my work (and for myself) because I see and feel personally the difference it makes; and The PQ team provides stellar support for the long game. Unlike many training programs, PQ supports coaches like me and all us humans to continue beyond the foundations. So, to help ensure your Mental Fitness does not languish as a flavour of the month, or a brief fad in your life – you are supported in thriving by building lifetime, life-changing, life-enhancing mental fitness.
  • I’d like to know a bit more about post-program possibilities now, what can you share?
    We will touch on this at the end of the program. There is a wealth of ongoing training, as much as you like. It's very customizable, self-guided and designed to support you. You will have access to the resources and full access PQ App for at least one year after the initial training program. This gives you: - An additional six week segment of activities designed to reinforce your learnings in the first six weeks. It's a lot to learn, so this integration feature is a huge plus. - Additional activities you can program depending upon what you want to focus on. Maybe a specific Saboteur or Sage, or themes like Happiness and Wellbeing, Manage Stress, Improve Relationships. - An ever expanding library of video learning modules on areas to apply your Mental Fitness practice, such as: Stress Management | Energy/Impact Optimization | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Conflict Management | Project and Change Management | Parenting | Emotional Intelligence | Resilience | Intuition & Decision making and many more. We can also co-create custom approaches, extended training, workshops, and ongoing programs you may opt in and out of, where it serves you. On larger initiatives, I will bring in other coaches and even the Positive Intelligence team. For organizations and teams, we offer an expanded program including the foundations, Teams and Sales Teams programs, and access to the PQ Grow program on the PQ App. Where there are 25+ people participating from an organization, the basic foundations program and PQ App is available at no cost for family members. Embark on PQ Powered Coaching. This is dual purpose coaching where you receive coaching towards your topics and goals combined with taking a PQ approach where you are applying your mental fitness muscles. We leverage awareness of your saboteurs and flexing of your sage powers. This can be an excellent way of progressing on areas important to you AND strengthening your mental fitness.
  • What is there to build onto PQ Foundations for teams and organizations?
    Teams & Organizations are eligible in their program to have full annual ongoing functionality and additional modules in the App. Also, we include PQ for Teams and/or the PQ for Sales Teams programs. These six coach-facilitated, experiential sessions. They can be paced out at a cadence of monthly or biweekly. As a certified PQ coach, I am licensed to provide these programs to teams and organizations. You can find an overview here. And then let's set up a time to understand your specific motivations and aims for the program.
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I identify as she/her and am committed to being a person bringing kindness, intentional openness, curiosity and authenticity into all my relationships and learning.


Safety Belonging Dignity

I respect and acknowledge the Coast Salish Peoples, traditional guardians of the land I live and work on, including the ancestral, traditional and unceded territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations. I am grateful to be here.

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Trademarks of Toni Crow Leadership Coaching: FLASHTM, FLASH!TM, Feels Like A Saturday HereTM, Feels Like A SaturdayTM, FeelsLikeASaturdayTM, FeelsLikeASaturdayHereTM

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